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Sends a MIDI note-on message, and appropriate MIDI values whenever the gate input goes over 0 Volts. The voltage at the pitch input determines the MIDI note number, and the voltage on the Velocity plug sets the MIDI velocity number.

Plugs and properties:
Left Hand Side:
->Gate:- (Voltage) Triggers the Note on message
->Pitch:- (Voltage) Sets the note pitch. For details see signal level conversions.
->Velocity:- (Voltage) Sets the note velocity. 0 – 10V maps to MIDI Velocity from 0 to 1. he default level is 0.5
->Channel:- (List) MIDI Channel number (or “All”) to output on
<-MIDI Out:- (MIDI) Standard MIDI 2 Output
**Freq Scale:- Select from: 1V/Octave or 1V/kHz.
**Channel:- Select the MIDI channel number or “All”

The display format.
Sound ON = Sound engine is running.
2C1 shows that you are using MIDI Channel 1 as the output channel.
Note on shows that the module has received a gate signal. Turning the gate off will result in a Note off output.

2C16 Note On (111, 0. 84):
Channel 16: Gate is on, 111 is the MIDI note value, 0.84 is the velocity.

2C16 Note off (111, 0.5)
Channel 16: Gate is off, 111 is still the MIDI note value, and the velocity has returned to it’s default of 0.5

2C16 Note On (116, 0.84)
Channel 16: Gate is on, the MIDI note is now 116, and the velocity is still 0.84.

Note: If you connect a MIDI-CV2 module to this module it will still produce the usual Trigger pulse as the Gate button is pressed.