This project uses one of the Vector controls created by Davidson. It can be resized and the colours can be changed. There are GUI latching and momentary outputs along with DSP latching and momentary outputs.
There are plugs for customizing the text that appears above the button, which also changes when the button is clicked.
The structure of the prefab is shown in the diagram below, and the prefab file can be downloaded from here

You will need various third party modules installed for this to work however.
The RH-Switch-Text: is needed to switch between the On and Off text labels, and switch their colours.
The ED DSP Timer: is required as a bistable for the switch latching. Set to Bistable in the properties panel, no values are needed for T1 and T2 (they will be ignored anyway).
QTN Bool2GUIBool: is needed to connect the various GUI switching modules and the ED DSP Timer.
ED Text Entry: is not essential, you could us the stock one, but you’ll lose the text and background colour customization!
DAM V Circle: 100% Essential, there is no stock equivalent.
i) The prefab container must have its properties set to “visible”
ii) The DAM V Circle module should have the mouse response set to step, unless you would rather the buttons just flash as they are clicked.

Shown below is a panel view of two of the switches in operation.

The Push Buttons in panel view.