Sasha, one of the 3rd party module developers has released some SVG controls for SynthEdit. These modules are not free (only in a demo mode), but cost 49 Euro, and are available here.
These controls have two main advantages:
1) They can be re-sized with no loss of quality.
2) Highly customizable.
The basic set of control is shown below.

The Help Files.
s SVG Control:
This is the module on which all the SVG controls can be created. It displays SVG files and makes them interactive by using @commands, and animation
Filename: (Text) Supplies the SVG file path.
Animation X/Y: (Floating Point) These plugs send and receive (exactly as the default SE controls) the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) animation position of the control as a GUI Float value between 0 and 1.
Modulation Value: (Floating Point) The input plug for animation modulation. This animates each layer which name contains the “@modulate” command with the modulation value. This must be connect to a Patch Memory Float Out’s Value pin. Input is scaled so that 0-10 corresponds to the default of 0-1.
List Choice: (Integer) Sends and receives index value of the selected List Item as with other SynthEdit sub-controls.
List Items: (Text) Input for the list of items. Any input other than blank makes module the operate in a stepped mode, a blank input allows for a
continuous (un-stepped) movement of the control. A single item input makes the module operate in trigger (on-off) mode. Each list item’s text will replace the “@item” text in the SVG file.
Note: For the stepped option to operate correctly there must be the same number of List items as there are list choices. Important: the Integer list for choices must start at 0, not 1 if there are 5 List Items, then the List Choice shall be 0,1,2,3,4.
Mouse Down (X/Y): (Boolean) Outputs mouse pressed state.
@image: (Text) Supplies the bitmap file path. The Bitmap is displayed on a rectangle in the layer name (in the SVG file) which contains the “@image” command.
@label: (Text) Inputs the text string which is used for replacing the “@label” text in the SVG file.
@value: (Text) Input to supply the value text. This is used for replacing the “@value” text in the SVG file when the mouse pointer is over the control. Note about Hover: For the @value text to be visible the Opacity Normal value in the s SVG Control’s properties must be set to 0.
All Color plugs: How to specify the colours- This is either standard HTML colour names (i.e. Red, Orange, Yellow…), or hex color codes in the following formats: #RGB, #ARGB, #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB.
@color: (Text) Input for the main control colour.
Cap: (Text) Input for the colour of the cap on the control knob.
Neon: (Text) Input for the hover text colour, and the “slot” for the slider control.
Pointer: (Text) Input for the colour of the pointer control knob.
Print: (Text) Input for the default text and scale colours.
Hint: (Text) Input for hint text (mouse hover)
Menu Items: (Text) Input for context menu items
Menu Selection: (Integer) Outputs the context menus item index value.
Position (X/Y): (Floating Point) Outputs the mouse pointers horizontal (X) and/or vertical (Y) position in the normalized floating point range (0.0 to 1.0)
Mouse Over: (Boolean) Outputs the mouse hover state.
Shown below are the controls Sasha has provided as pre-fabs with the SVG module pack.