Customising the look of the Analogue Knob.
@Label: (Text) The text label that appears below the control. (The colour is set by the “Print” ARGB)
@ Value: (Text) This is the value or alternative text that replaces @Label when the mouse hovers over the control. (The colour is set by the “Neon” ARGB)
@Color: (Text) Controls the colour of the “skirt” and main body of the knob.
Cap: (Text) Controls the colour of the cap insert in the centre of the knob.
Neon: (Text) Sets the hover colour for the @Value text.
Pointer: (Text) Sets the colour of the dot on the body of the knob.
Print: (Text) Sets the colour of the scale markings and the @Label text.
Changing the behaviour of the knob.
Shown below are some useful properties settings for the knob:
Offset angle: This offsets the starting position of the knob, by changing this to 90 we add 90 degrees to the starting position of the knob.
Sweep Angle: By changing this to 180 we can limit the range down from the usual 300 degree control knob sweep, to a180 degrees sweep, or any other range that might be required. Note: This will not change the scale markings!
Scale: Adjusts the size of the control knob.
Opacity Normal: By setting this to 0 we obtain the behaviour where the @Label text is swapped for the @Value text as the mouse hovers over the control. If the value is left as 1 then only the @Label text will be seen..
Setting the Min/Max Range: This is the same as any other SynthEdit knob or Slider, and is set in the Patch Memory in the Prefab properties panel.
Changing from a continuously variable control to stepped.
It’s a simple as changing the Patch memory From Float3 to List 3, and connecting up a module with a list plug, then connecting Choice and Item List plugs. Add a List to Text module to feed the choice to @value and it’s done. The Patch Memory sets it all up for you.