The ED Shape modules allow us to create an oscillator which can morph between two or more wave-shapes. The shapes are defined using the ED shape editor, these shapes are converted from GUI to DSP inside the Shape Editor 5S prefab ready to feed into the ED Shape Morpher 2. The floating point value (0 to 1) on the Morph (0-1) plug determines the contents of the BLOB string which is fed into the ED Shape Osc 2 module and hence the output waveform.
The ED Shape amplifier is included as some waveshapes may clip when Interpolation methods such as Curve 2 are in use.
Note: Whenever a Volts to Float converter module is used for controlling any of the Shape modules, the update rate should be set to the maximum of 60Hz to ensure the response to the voltage is as smooth as possible.
Default Control Values.
Shape Reset:- I have set a reset value for all the Shape Editors of (-5,0)(5,0) to give a straight line (no output) when the reset button is clicked to give a way of quickly clearing all shape values.
Morph Slider:– Minimum 0V, Maximum 0.99V. The Morph CV input should be kept to within 0 to 1V, otherwise the changes will become very abrupt.
Shape Amp Slider:- Minimum -1V to +1V. -1V is fully inverted, and +1 is full amplitude.
Shape amplitude and ITP Curves:- Especially when using ITP Curve 2 the resulting output shape may well clip, hence the addition of the Shape Amp control (The Shape Oscillator is internally clipped at +/- 5 Volts signal level).

Shape Editor 5S.
We need to convert the GUI BLOB output of the Shape Editor to DSP BLOB data for the Shape Morpher to do its work, for which I used the ED PM BLOB NAC Volatile to do the conversion. To keep the main project structure a bit simpler this is containerized, and the structure is shown below.

Output Shape
This is another Shape Editor used as a display of the resulting shape from the oscillator. The shape changes in real time along with the Oscillators output signal. Here we have the stock SE Patch Memory BLOB Out, and a Patch Memory BLOB Int Out, the additional PM is so that we can change the Interpolation Choice on the display in line with the Oscillators Interpolation mode. The Editable box on the ED Shape Editor 5 properties should be unticked.

Bool Switch 4 Out.
To reset all the Shape Editors simultaneously I had to create this Prefab so I could have the GUI Bool outputs on the left, and also when using the RH Bool-Redir module it only lets you connect to one module at a time, hence the four separate modules and LHS Output plugs.