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Category: Logic

Logic gates in Synthedit.


The correct electronics term for this module is a Monostable Multivibrator. The name derives from the fact that they have a default state of 0 volts output until they are triggered by an external pulse, they then flip to the on state (usually 5 volts) for a preset length of time, once this expires they then revert to their default of 0 volts output.
The monostable module operates on the same principle. It normally outputs a “False” or 0 logic state. Once the Monostable receives a pulse signal input the leading edge of the pulse triggers the monostable, the output of which then switches to the “True” or 1 logic condition.
The gate then holds the “True” condition for a period of time determined by the voltage present on the Pulse Length (ds)- (ds stands for DeciSeconds) plug. The Time to Voltage is 1 Volt = 10 seconds. See the demo screenshots below (the small voltages are because the demo setup has quite a high pulse rate)

Note: You’ll find that once the monostable has been triggered, it won’t respond to another trigger pulse until the preset time has elapsed. Trying to trigger it a second time will not extend the length of the output pulse, also no matter how long the input pulse this will not affect the length of the output pulse.

Monostable with a Pulse Length voltage of 0.0015 Volt
The effect of increasing the Pulse Length voltage to 0.0075 Volt

What use is a Monostable?

What use is a monostable? Well one possible use is the following:
Say we wanted to detect when our audio level passed 2 volts, and light an LED.
We can us a comparator to detect this, but say the audio only exceeds 2 V for a few milliseconds? That’s not enough time for the LED to respond, let alone for us to see it light up. This is where a Monostable is useful. By adding this to the output, and putting 5V on the Pulse length plug, we will detect the short lived peak, and the monostable will send a half second pulse to the LED- enough to see it flash and warn us the audio will be clipping

Comparator with variable pulse length output.

Delaying the Trigger pulse from a keyboard.

If you needed a delayed Keyboard Trigger pulse then this is one way to approach it. By not connecting the Gate pulse from MIDI-CV 2 to the ADSR 2 module then no matter how long you hold down a key only the attack/decay portions of the envelope will be active. The decay can be set to 0 V as it’s unimportant, as are the sustain and release portions.
Note: The overall Level plug is set to 10.2 volts, otherwise the structure isn’t reliable at triggering.
Input B of the comparator is set to 10 volts, so the comparator switches to + 10 volts output when Input A of the comparator reaches 10 volts, the monostable then generates a fixed length pulse from this providing us with a delayed Trigger pulse, the delay time being set by the Attack segment timing of the ADSR 2 module (the time it takes to reach 10 V). Because the Envelope isn’t held when the Attack reaches its maximum the resulting pulse is extremely short hence using the monostable on the output, which in this usage triggers another ADSR2 module.
Note: Always connect both Trigger and Gate plugs as shown.
Using this method we can create a delayed trigger as was used in the Moog modular synthesizers.
You don’t specifically need to use the Fixed Values modules (you can specify the values needed in the module properties), but it does make it easier to work out what you have done at a later date, and here it’s done for illustration purposes.

Delayed Envelope triggering

Logic gates in Synthedit.

What is a Logic Gate, and what does it do?

A logic gate is a device that is used as a building block for digital circuits. They perform basic logical functions that are a basic part of digital circuits. Most electronic devices we use have some form of logic gates in them.
For example, logic gates can be used in smartphones, tablets, control circuits, and obviously computers.
In a circuit, logic gates work based on a combination of digital signals coming from its inputs. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output, and their operation is based on Boolean algebra. At any given moment, any terminal is in one of the two binary conditions: true or false. False represents 0, and true represents 1.
Depending on the type of logic gate being used and the combination of inputs, the binary output will differ. A logic gate can be thought of like a light switch, where in one position the output is off (0), and in another, it is on (1).

Typical Logic gate chips

Logic Voltage Levels in Synthedit.

The logic gate emulations in SynthEdit are similar in operation to hardware logic chips with a few additions for reliability.
1) Input pins incorporate ‘hysteresis’ to give noise-immunity.
2) An input registers ‘ON’ when the voltage exceeds 3.33, but isn’t ‘OFF’ until the voltage drops below 1.66, this helps the device to handle imperfect input signals. i.e. small errors, fluctuations or noise in a input signal.
This means they generally can’t jump the ‘grey area’ and create a false “on” or “off” signal.

The "grey area" of logic voltages.

Important note regarding logic gates:
A logic gate cannot be used for audio purposes for example- to pass audio through an OR gate when one input is high. You will just get a very distorted audio signal from the output. Although they have dark blue Audio Voltage pins we are dealing with a simple on/off (True/False) signal.

Truth table for logic gates
One method of showing how the various gates operate is a “Truth Table”.

The way I have chosen to try and make things a little easier is to show the state of the inputs and outputs with LED indicators showing the logic states:
LED Lit = 1 (true)
LED Unlit = 0 (false)

AND Gate.

The And gate gives an output of 0 unless ALL inputs are 1, when it the outputs 1.

Both inputs 0 = Output 0
One input 1, one input 0
= Output 0
Both inputs 1 = Output 1


A Nand Gate is the inverse of an And Gate

Both inputs 1 = Output 1
One Input 1, one Input 0
= Output 1
Both Inputs 1 = Output 0

Or Gate.

An Or Gate gives an output of 1 if either or both inputs are 1, and a 0 if either or both inputs are 0

Both Inputs 0 = Output 0
One Input 1, One Input 0
= Output 1
Both Inputs 1 = Output 1

Nor Gate.

A Nor Gate is the inverse of an Or Gate

Both Inputs 0 = Output 1
One Input 1, One Input 0
= Output 0
Both Inputs 1 = Output 0

Logic Inverter (Not Gate)

A Not Gate gives an output of 1 if the input is 0, and an output of 0 if the input is 1.
It only has one input.

Input 1 = Output 0
Input 0 = Output 1

XOR Gate (Exclusive OR gate)

An XOR gate gives an output of 1 if either input is 1, if both inputs are 1 or 0 it outputs a 0.

Both inputs 1 = Output 0
One Input 0 = Output 1
Other input 1 = Output 0
Both Inputs 0 = Output 0