Welcome to my SynthEdit help website. If you need help with Synthedit, Synthedit modules, or are having trouble finding information on how to create a specific instrument or effect in SynthEdit, or the built in SynthEdit help files don’t cover a specific topic or module my aim is to help you with your SynthEdit creations.
It’s a great piece of software, I love using it but would be one of the first to admit that the SynthEdit help files are: a) somewhat out of date, b) a bit sketchy in lots of areas c) there are specific modules not in the help files.
I’m not claiming to be a SynthEdit expert or Guru- far from it but just tying to help out beginners who may find some SynthEdit concepts and modules a bit confusing. I’m hoping that my background in electronics, and having experimented (many years ago) with making my own physical synthesizer modules will also help me to de-mystify some of the concepts involved there too. If you spot any glaring errors please comment, and I’ll fix it.
This is a work in progress so if you don’t find help on something specific it may well appear in due course, if not a comment may well result in a specific help section for your Synthedit difficulties appearing…
Creating new modules and C++.
Please don’t expect to find help on programming your own SynthEdit modules, using the SynthEdit SDK or on C++ programming for SynthEdit, as that’s not something I can help with.
Synthedit V1.5.
Version 1.5 is the latest version of Synthedit,
This is something I’m working hard on to learn some of the new concepts used in SynthEdit 1.5, however please bear in mind I’m still finding new aspects of this new version, which although it’s now in its stable version will still get occasional “bug fix” updates, so is still subject to minor changes, which will not impact on the functionality of your VST’s and projects.
Reason DAW and Synthedit VST3.
This is an important one. Due to a bug in Reason 12, which Reason never fixed as a service update to V12 VST3 plug ins will not work in Reason 12, but this has been fixed in the (paid for) upgrade to V13. There is an issue where notes get stuck on and will continue to sound until the DAW is re-started or similarly re-set. It is due to V1.5 using MIDI note ID, and Reason not supporting it. The fix should have been easy to implement, but no they took the decision to make the fix “paid for”.
I personally complained to their customer support about this and was told that the fix was only available if I upgraded to the new V13 and paid the full price. Thanks Reason software, paid for bug fixes now! This was their reply message:

I can only suggest that if you need to run VST3 plugins in Reason you are forced into this decision: a) pay Reason £199 for the (bug fix) upgrade, or b) stay with SE V1.4 for creating your VST’s.
What is Synthedit?
SynthEdit is a visual programming environment that allows you to create VST Plug-in Synthesizers and effects for use in DAW’s. Because of the way it creates the VSTs using a visual system of connecting up modules the software requires little or no programming knowledge.
Unless you want to programme your own bespoke modules for SynthEdit there’s no need to get involved with C++ programming.
Sketchy and outdated help files.
Whilst there is plenty of active development going on with updates to the SynthEdit software, and a good user base creating their own plug-ins with it, its well known that the help files are a little out of date, and that the E-Book that was written about programming with SynthEdit (quite a few years ago now) is more than a little outdated, along with the modules that are used in the examples (some only exist as 32 bit modules, which naturally won’t work in the later 64 bit software). My aim with this website/blog is to provide more up to date help with the software.
My aim is also to provide ideas to inspire and help newcomers to SynthEdit to get started creating their own plug in VSTs. I’m also aiming to keep an up to date list of who is providing SynthEdit 64 bit modules, and the websites where they can be downloaded.
Other help and support websites:
There is an active group for bug reporting, queries, discussion and getting some support at synthedit@groups.io
There is a (not very active) forum syntheditforum
There’s an archive website from the now defunct Yahoo user group at https://syntheditusers.org/
The main SynthEdit website, where you can download/buy Synthedit, download the SDK to create your own modules, and get software updates synthedit.com
Third party add-on module websites:
Elena Novaretti provides a wide range of (windows only) modules elenadesign
TD Modules provides both 32 and 64 bit modules time domain modules
Sasha Modules has a range of 32 and 64 bit SynthEdit modules at sashamodules
QTN modules has a stack of 64 bit modules for SynthEdit qtnmodules.blogspot