The idea behind this is that you can step through the options (for example) of an oscillator with just a single button rather than using a drop-down list box. Once the prefab control is put together it’s self configuring apart from the text label, and text colours. The list is taken from the module you connect up to.
How to step through a list with a single button in SynthEdit.
The idea here is that when we click on the button (Image2) module, it sends a “True” pulse to the ED Step Increment Int module, which connects to the PatchMemory List3 module. The PM List3 module reads the list of options from the DSP module (for example an Oscillator) it’s connected to and converts this to an Enumerated List For the List to Text and ED Step Increment Int module…(this makes life easier…less typing, and less opportunity for errors creeping in).
Each time the ED Step Increment Int module receives a True pulse on the Increment plug it advances one step at a time through the list of options by advancing the Integer count by one step. The DAM list size module is used to inform the ED Step Increment Int module how many steps there should be, but for some reason I found you need to subtract 1 from the list co get the correct size.
The two ED Text entry modules are used to display the selected value, and add a label to the control.
Note: The Wrap option on the ED Step Increment Int module module should be set to “True” by selecting this on the options panel, then we can cycle through the list forever…
Note: The RH-Int-Redir module is needed to connect up the ED Step Increment Int module and the List to Text module due to the Outputs being on the LHS of the ED Step Increment Int module…
The List to Text module sends the Text name of the option selected to the Text Entry4 module where the selected option is displayed in the text box.
If you want to cycle the other way, just send the Boolean pulse to the Decrement plug, it’s as easy as that.
Note: If you want to make the Text label into a “click to select” connect the Increment plug on the ED Step Increment Int module module to the Mouse Down plug on the Text Entry4 module, and then you can step through in the same way by clicking on the text box.
Connecting up and using the prefab is easy, as you can see below, as I said the list is automatically generated when you connect the Switch to the Modules “List” plug.
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